Articles by Armine Avetisyan

Vaccines in Armenia: a struggling campaign

08/06/2021 -  Armine Avetysian Yerevan

Until a month ago, just a few thousand people had been vaccinated in Armenia. After a statement by Prime Minister Pashinyan, the campaign finally took off, but the issue remains highly divisive in the country

Armenia: the war in Nagorno Karabakh and assisted reproductive technology

05/05/2021 -  Armine Avetysian

In Armenia, mothers who lost a child in the recent war in Nagorno Karabakh will have access to a special assisted reproductive technology programme

Nagorno Karabakh: school, victim of war

27/04/2021 -  Armine Avetysian

The outbreak of the war in Nagorno Karabakh caused 100,000 displaced persons and 30,000 schoolchildren and students could no longer attend their schools

Armenia: domestic violence and the pandemic, houses are a prison

28/01/2021 -  Armine Avetysian

Armenia is unfortunately no exception - as in many other countries in the world, the lockdown has led to an increase in cases of domestic violence. Anna's story

Armenia: stranded in Thailand

27/08/2020 -  Armine Avetisyan

Pregnant, she was stuck with her partner for months in Thailand due to coronavirus. But she did not give up, and to raise the money for this forced stay she launched an online vegan restaurant. The story of Varda and her entrepreneurial initiative

Armenia's heated political summer

30/06/2020 -  Armine Avetysian Yerevan

In Armenia, a trial has been launched against the main opposition leader - and among the wealthiest people in the country - accused of electoral corruption

Armenia: don't talk about HIV

29/04/2020 -  Armine Avetisyan Yerevan

There are several thousands of HIV-positive people in Armenia today. Although information is becoming more accessible, for example that the disease is not airborne and that simple contact is not contagious, many avoid contact with them - "for safety". Because of that discriminatory attitude, HIV-positive people keep hiding

Coronavirus: Armenia's response to COVID-19

01/04/2020 -  Armine Avetisyan Yerevan

An overview of how Armenia is responding to the coronavirus emergency: from the experience of those in quarantine to the measures taken by the government

Indians of Armenia

30/12/2019 -  Armine Avetysian

The number of foreign citizens migrating to Armenia is constantly growing, including Indian citizens. Thousands arrived in the first nine months of 2019

Armenia and domestic violence: "If he beats you, he loves you"

03/09/2019 -  Armine Avetysian Yerevan

Domestic violence in Armenia is unfortunately still socially accepted. Fortunately, however, institutions are starting to address the problem. The story of Gayane

“Ho vissuto all'inferno”: la vita in un ospedale psichiatrico in Armenia

24/07/2019 -  Armine Avetisyan

Invece di ricevere l'aiuto di cui hanno bisogno, in Armenia i pazienti con malattie psichiatriche spesso vedono violati in modo grave i loro diritti. Lo sostiene un recente rapporto del Difensore dei Diritti Umani armeno

Are you in your thirties? Too old to find a job

19/07/2019 -  Armine Avetysian Yerevan

Age discrimination in Armenia's labour market is a serious problem, as witnessed by Karine, Karen and Anna. However, a bill that would change the situation is being discussed in the National Assembly

Nagorno Karabakh: la vita dopo la guerra

30/04/2019 -  Armine Avetisyan

Due villaggi sul lato armeno del Nagorno Karabakh tra i più colpiti durante la Guerra dei quattro giorni dell'aprile 2016. Ora, non senza difficoltà, si assiste al rientro dei loro abitanti e alla ricostruzione. Reportage

Armenia's sense of pigeons

09/04/2019 -  Armine Avetisyan Yerevan

Many Armenians breed pigeons and are ready to do anything for their safety and well-being. Others buy them to sacrifice them for special events. Others raise them for sports competitions. The story of an ancient Armenian tradition

China-Armenia: do you speak English?

23/01/2019 -  Armine Avetisyan

The new frontier for Armenian English teachers seems to be China: the possibility of working at higher salaries attracts more and more workers

Armenia: sexual minorities, the alternative to violence is silence

12/11/2018 -  Armine Avetisyan

The situation of members of the LGBT community in Armenia is dramatic. And many of them, not to suffer the social stigma and sometimes even physical violence, choose not to reveal their sexual identity

Georgia ed Egitto: gli armeni si riposano all'estero

11/10/2018 -  Armine Avetisyan

Ogni anno 200.000 armeni trascorrono le proprie vacanze in Georgia. Rilevante anche il numero di persone che si reca in Egitto. Mare e prezzi convenienti gli elementi che li attraggono di più

Armenia, a new type of tourism

10/09/2018 -  Armine Avetisyan

The Armenian city of Gyumri has become a destination for many people from Central Asia. Tourism? In reality they are workers who need a passage "abroad" to obtain a reconfirmation of their visa in Russia

Armenia: there is no workplace in the village

08/08/2018 -  Armine Avetisyan Yerevan

According to the State Employment Agency, more than 82,000 people are currently looking for jobs in Armenia. The number of unemployed in rural areas is 18.3% of the total, which increased by 26.6% compared to the same period last year

Armenia: lavoro e chirurgia plastica

23/07/2018 -  Armine Avetisyan

Molte donne in Armenia se vogliono ambire ad un posto di lavoro non possono sottrarsi alla chirurgia estetica. E anche le richieste di prestazioni sessuali in cambio di un'occupazione non mancano. Un reportage